
> ----- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -----
> Von: Yury Tarasievich
> Gesendet: 04.03.11 09:19 Uhr
> An: l10n@libreoffice.org
> Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Belarusian/Belorussian translation
> On 03/04/2011 09:53 AM, Sophie Gautier wrote:
> >>> 3) The .PO technological cycle isn't documented comprehensively on LO
> >>> sites.
> >
> > What do you mean by "technological cycle"? I've begin to write some
> ...
> In this context, I'd expect something on the 
> lines of:
> (Provided your work is based on the .PO files 
> set, )in order to have your updates integrated 
> in the subsequent builds of the LO, you need to 
> do the following:
To make it short: if you handle your translations in pootle, you don't
need to take care about many things. The process is:

1. establish a team, request to setup the language project in pootle
here at the list. Document that your team exists at the wiki
(latter should be done even if you don't use pootle)

2. follow the l10n mailinglist - you will be informed about
string updates and translation deadlines here.
You do *not* need to take care about the updates or how
to get your translations from pootle to the source repository
this will be done for you. We will take care about checks (for
valid file format) and integrating the files in the build.
You "only" need to take care about your translations (pootle
offers several ways to check for common translation errors)

How you organize the translation work within your team is up to 
yourt team. We just want to know, who is the "responsible" person - 
this info should be documented at the wiki.
We can share some ideas how other teams work. But this should
be a discussion.

If you don't want to use pootle, you can do all the things 
on your own. but still - document who is responsible at the wiki and
follow this mailing list. When a translation deadline is announced, 
you can also deliver a archive of po files.

There is still some rework of the way we handle translations pending.
Andras ist working on improvements for the build process. So - 
there might be changes in the process. Key is to follow the mailing 
list here.


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