This is the schedule for the Gathering forums / activities. If any of the presenters have a conflict, please get back to me. The Friday forums will be held in the conference room as usual. A scheduling conflict makes the conference room unavailable to us until 3:00PM on Saturday so we will have flight line activities Saturday morning and a forum in the hangar with P.A. Saturday afternoon. The Awards Ceremony will be in the conference room.
See you at Mt.Vernon. Larry Flesner KR Gathering schedule *Thursday:* First arrivals, fly-bys, catching up with old friends --EACH EVENING-- Camp fire by the lake - story telling & root beer Friday9:30AM – 11:00AM with break - Mark Langford - Freebird plans progress update - Larry Flesner - Building and flying experimental aircraft" - E-AB registrations - Building a straight KR the easy way - Overview of W&B Friday1:00PM – 2:30PM with breaks-Adam Deem on Full briefing on my handling qualities flight testing and modifications to address handling qualities deficiencies
John Schaffer on Flat Spin Recovery, in a KR-2 Friday6:00PM – 7:00PMLuis Claudio on SDS electronic ignition for Corvair and VW conversions as the uniqueness of this system is the ability to shape your power curve from starting the engine to Lean of Peak
Saturday9:30AM – 11:00AM with break - KR overview on the ramp by KR pilots of their KR’s Saturday1:00PM -- 2:30PM with break-Jeff Scott & Mark Langford on engine Q&A including costs, parts & resources including Corvair, VW &and certified engines -Jeff Scott on aircraft systems from the point of view of an A&P that may have to look at your plane
Saturdayevening Optional group dinner - 6:00PM Awards ceremony - 7:00PM
KR Gathering schedule.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document
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