Concerning the Stall speed reduction required for existing KRs to fit MOSAIC,

I suggest a simple belly board that could be added to all non-flap equipped KRs.  I put one on my first KR and it helped a ton.

Rene Ffrench - Austin


Configuring a KR to meet the Light Sport category has been a point of discussion for many years on the list.  Two problems. Clean stall speed and top speed.  I'm not aware of any flap design for the KR that would lower the stall speed to meet the regulation and adding a speed brake does nothing to lower the stall speed. The KR is such a slick design that speed control on approach is difficult to stabilize without the ability to add some drag. Stabilizing the approach goes a long way in making the KR a more enjoyable airplane to fly.  If and when the new rules take effect any of the KR models build to plans will meet the requirements.

On the subject of "full stall" and "three point landing", few if any aircraft are capable of performing both on the same touchdown.  Even 211LF, with it's 6" longer gear legs, will touch tail wheel before the wing stalls and the mains still inches off the ground.   When the tail wheel touches it forces the mains to immediately contact the ground making for a less than desirable touchdown.  Most conventional wings stall in the 14 degree range and few if any tail wheel aircraft have the wing at that angle in the 3 point attitude.  For those that insist that wheel landings will result in more runway used on landings I'd remind them that every tricycle gear aircraft, when landed properly, makes a tail low wheel landing.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Larry Flesner

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