George Schuld wrote:

> I’ve been searching the archives again for weight related data.  Mark
> was kind enough years ago to state his 3100 was 245 lbs with carb,
> airbox, generator, airbox, oil, starter, etc. I’d like to nail down some other details if >possible.

I've weighed mine several times, but recorded the most excruciating details when I tore into the "stock" 2700cc that I used while reworking the 3100cc. The 2700cc engine weighs a few pounds more due to the heavier Corvair cylinders, and the larger 3100cc VW 94mm cylinders are actually a tad lighter (maybe 1.5 pounds, from memory).

See about 4/5 of the way down. The number that I keep coming up with is 245 lbs, with "everything but fuel in the lines, and electrons in the wires". Obviously, this includes carb, intake, exhaust, and prop hub, but not the mount, control cables, etc.

I did that website when I tore the engine down because the cylinder compressions were so varied, but it turned out to be lead deposits. I've been using Marvel Mystery oil ever since, and the plugs on the Corvair and the VW are lead free and look far more normal than these. Lead can also fill up your combustion chambers and raise the compression to ridiculous levels.....just ask Mark Jones. That's why I lowered my compression ratio and run unleaded auto fuel in 891JF, and for most of time I ran the Corvair on N56ML.

Mark Langford
Huntsville, AL

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