Arie Post wrote:

> I did come across another article on the site by Les Palmer.
> He also has an EA 81 sitting in front of his KR 2 there.
> He seems to have flown with it.
> What about him, is he still flying it?
> Could I possibly receive his email address?
> I also came across an article by Ken Thomas.
> He is flying a Subaru EA 82 there, what about him?

Ken removed the Subaru and installed a Jabiru. I don't know the details of why, but it's not uncommon. My thought when it had a Subaru in it was that it looked like it had a filing cabinet or a small refrigerator under the cowling! The water cooling system takes a lot of space. Ken is long gone, but I saw his airplane in a photo of what I believe was an Alabama hangar that had been hit by a tornado. I'll leave the Les Palmer KR to Randy, who has flown it, and is likely still on KRnet.

Steve Makish and Bob Lester both built planes with Subarus, and later swapped them out with Corvairs. Their advice was that the Subarus would pound out the crankshaft bores (like VWs do after many years using the stock crankshaft). Corvairs don't have that problem, although I realize that Corvair engines are not widely available outside of the US.

Mark Langford
Huntsville, AL

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