On 2/21/2022 6:51 PM, Flesner wrote:

Not sure why "attachment" is getting lost in ether so here it is.

Larry Flesner


·*Turn”ON” Master Switch / check battery level / fuel gauges*

·*Turn “OFF” Master Switch*

·*Check voltage of backup battery*

·*Visual check fuel level / sump tanks*

·*Check control surfaces for free travel*

·*Visual check tires / propeller for nicks*

·*Check oil level / minimum level 4 quarts*



·*Close canopy - Fasten seat belts*

·*Flip “Battery” switch to backup battery – check voltage*

·*Turn “ON” “Emergency” fuel pump one at a time – checkfuel pressure*

·*Turn pumps “OFF” / “battery” switch down to “Main”*

·*Mixture “Rich” – turn “ON” Master Switch and one fuel pump*

·*Check for fuel pressure / select fuel tank for takeoff*

·*Clear area*

·*Crack throttle open / Hold brakes*

·*As starter is engaged pump throttle twice*

·*When engine starts, reduce RPM to 1000 rpm or less*

·*Check for oil pressure*

·*Turn “ON” Avionics switch*

·*Transponder – turn “ON” to standby / set to 1200 *

·*Set radio to proper frequency*

·*Turn “position lights” switch to “ON” for ADS-B out*

·*If cold start allow engine to warm for several minutes*





·*Hold brakes / RPM 1500-1700 RPM*

·*Check oil pressure*

·*Check mags for less than 100 RM drop*

·*Carb heat on – check for 50+ RPM drop*

·*Engine to idle*

·*Mags “ BOTH ON”*

·*Fuel pumps “BOTH ON”*

·*Speed brake – check operation then switch “UP”*

·*Check – Mixture “RICH” – Carb heat - “OFF”*

·*Radio to correct frequency / Transponder to “ON”*




·*Align with Runway – stick back*

·*Apply throttle smoothly – full power*

·*Forward stick to lift tail to level*

·*When aircraft feels light – slight back pressure*

·*At liftoff – nose down to 80 MPH indicated*

·*Establish climb in the 100 MPH range to desired altitude – set trim*

·*At altitude – level off – set trim*











·*Adjust power to desired RPM*

·*Monitor engine instruments / adjust mixture*

·*Switch fuel tanks and fuel pumps every 15 to 30 minutes*

·*Run full Carb heat any time conditions are susceptible for carburetor ice*




·*Mixture rich / carb heat – “full on”*

·*Select fullest tank / fuel pumps “both on”*

·*Set RPM as desired – set trim*

·*Enter traffic pattern – maintain IAS fo 120 MPH or less*


·*Downwind to base turn – reduce power – reduce IAS to 100 MPH*

·*Extend partial speed brake*

·*Base to final turn – reduce IAS speed to 90 mph*

·*Extend speed brake to “full down” – maintain 90 mphIAS*

·*Maintain power for 90 mph IAS and 500 fpm or less decent rate – adjust trim*

·*On short final – reduce speed to 80 mph IAS*

·*At point of flare – hold aircraft level with continuous back stick travel – allow to settle on main gear*

·*At touchdown – slight forward stick until tail drops*

·*Light to moderate braking if desired*









·*Maintain directional control*

·*Speed brake “UP”*

·*Carb heat “OFF”*

·*Breaking as required*





·*Engine to 1000 RPM*

·*Avionics switch to “OFF”*

·*Mixture to “IDLE / CUTOFF*

·*All switches to “OFF”*





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