I know this has been hashed out before, but when it comes to a KR2 original 
length, what are some opinions ?

I want to complete a plane that's definitely faster than 150 mph.  Really, 
closer to 175 kts would be even better.  I know that some of my old 
acquaintances in the '90s were getting those speeds (safely) with O-200's, but 
that was before the Corvair engines became popular. And yes, I understand that 
the KR2S came about to calm down the twitchiness of the short KR's, but I have 
a short one, so I'm going to build retro.  Anyway, I have two of them.

Corvair Pro's:  Cheaper to build and get replacement parts for.  More modern 
design.  6 cylinders run smoother.  Designed for unleaded fuel.  Easier and 
cheaper to upgrade HP.  Capable of more HP at altitude than a VW. Narrower deck 
than a Continental, potentially less drag.  Seems about as easy to work on as a 
Continental Pro's:   proven aviation engine.  Lots of parts, mechanical 
knowledge, and mechanics out there.  Most likely easier to fix at more 
airports, when necessary. Dual ignition system.  Probably in more KRs, so most 
known problems have more solutions.
Corvair Cons:  Limited number of sources for aviation-grade parts/knowledge.  
Fewer sources for high grade parts.  More expensive than a VW engine.  Heavier 
than a Continental.  Not an aircraft engine, so longer flight testing required.
Continental Con's:  It's an aircraft engine, so parts are always higher priced. 
 Intended for leaded fuel, so when that goes away, it's still more expensive to 
operate, even if the fuel burn is lower (sort of a weak argument, since so many 
are run on MoGas anyhow).

I'm sure I left something out. Too old for racing, just want to keep up with 
all the RV's around me, or at least not fall so far behind.

Griff Pickett
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