Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
I agree that it seems like a lot of extra expense to convert from retractable
ear to fixed gear, but I imagine for some folks the joy may be in just having
another project/modification for them to tackle. That may make it worth the
expense.Certainly you work have to get some super performance increase to make
it cost effective.Assuming you got another 10mph airspeed, that's another 30
miles out of each tank of gas, for those of us with the plans built 12 gallon
header tank, assuming a 4gph burn rate. If you also assume your fuel economy
adds up to around 30mpg, that would be like getting and extra gallons worth of
travel out of each tank of gas. At 5$/gallon for 100LL you would only have fly
200 tank fulls of gas, or 600 hours to recover the cost of converting if it had
cost you $1000 for the conversion. So I guess it could eventually pay off, but
again I think for most people who go through with it there is probably a joy in
the building and installation of the new gear, not to mention the finish work
required afterwards.If it were just a matter of reliability as Larry mentioned,
you could just modify your retractable gear with a few bolts to hold it in the
down position and viola, fixed gear.As Larry always says, your results may vary.
Todd ThelinN825MW
I still like my retractable gear. Why are people going to the considerable
effort to replace it with fixed gear? What is the performance before and
after? Has anyone ever really tried to seal up the retractable wheel wells
(I have to some extent) it should make a big performance improvement.
Done correctly, fixed gear is lighter, faster, and dare I say, more
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