My FSDO is coming July 3 to my airworthiness certificate he wants a 3 D drawing 
what did you use for that the one broke apart in the book? I hope that is good 
for Him.

Sent from my iPad

> On Jun 14, 2018, at 3:18 AM, Mark Langford via KRnet <> 
> wrote:
> That's the first I've heard of issues with the nose dropping abruptly on
> the tri-gear versions, so it looks like a bit more investigation is in
> order.  I've seen drawings in the aircraft design books regarding
> recommended gear angles with respect to CG for both conventional and
> tri-gear installations, and will fish those out when I get I chance.
> Pazmany did some especially good work in this area, with fairly precise
> descriptions for the geometry of both gear types.   Any anecdotal
> information from KR pilots (with reasonable CGs and some hours of KR
> flying experience) who've noticed the nose dropping suddenly on their
> tri-gear KR would be appreciated.  I'll try to add some of this
> increased gear knowledge to my gear site in the next few weeks.  This is
> also a reminder to me that I need to update also, so we
> can pass on this useful information to aid future builders.  I'll
> probably be asking for some dimensions from tri-gear guys who are
> satisfied with their landings in that process, as well as any who feel
> their nose drops abruptly, if there are any still flying.
> Also, it's worth pointing out that the gear was either designed/tested,
> or both to 3 g's.  That's presumably for a 900 lb KR2.  My first landing
> was 5.5 g's as felt by the panel-mounted meter, at what was probably 950
> pounds, so it's pretty safe to say that my first landing proved that the
> standard Diehl conventional gear legs of the mid-nineties is good for
> 5.8 g's!  I dropped it in from what seemed like 8' least 5'. That
> was my first lesson on sudden full throttle excursions from idle....the
> engine quit dead, just when I desperately needed a few hundred RPMs.  
> At the time I felt quite lucky I didn't tear the gear off entirely (it
> was quite a jolt), although I did finally manage to tear one off in a
> terraced hay field dead-stick landing 1130 hours later!
> Thanks,
> Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
> ML "at"
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