Thanks Mark,

that´s it, 

in 2012 I made the first flight of my plane, you can see it at:, and from that date I continued 
flying with it.
In January of this year I began to condition a second hand Rotax 912 engine of 
100 HP which I bought from a friend to replace the Subaru EJ 22, with which I 
fly so far.
This was a long year and a lot of work so I'm still working on it, the 
installation requires some modification of the hood, new spider, new exhaust 
system, and a lot of installation work including the modification of the center 
of gravity, since this engine almost half lighter than the Subaru, I hope to 
have it ready and flying for this summer, 9 months without flying is a long 

As Mark said, the idea of ??building the rounded-bottom fuselage was obtained 
from Dr. Dean's project

Here in Argentina there are currently around 10 airplanes under construction 
with this technique based on the plans I draw from my fucelage. You can check 
them on my website

The next year I am going  to Oshkosh with friens, and it Will be a pleasure to 
talk to you if you will be there.

Eduardo Barros
San Pedro, Bs. As., Argentina
Visite el proyecto de construcción del avión experimental "Kr2 EGB":

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Mark Langford via KRnet 
  To: KRnet 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2017 3:45 PM
  Subject: Re: KR> Rounded fuselage corners

  Noel McAvena wrote:

  > Has anyone successfully built and flown a KR with Dr.Dean's rounded 
fuselage corners?

  Eduardo Barros from Argentina is the only guy that I know of that has
  completed and flown a rounded-bottom fuselage plane.  I believe he got
  the idea from Dr. Dean back in the late 1990's, and used the same basic
  construction technique.  shows early construction with lots of
  detail  shows later construction and lots of recent
  flying photos

  Eduardo comes to OSH on occasion, and is also on KRnet, so he will
  likely reply to this if he sees it.  I'll forward to him also.

  I don't know of anybody else who's building one, unless you count the KR
  Super 2.  Several people started to build one, and best I can tell,
  they've all been abandoned by the guy who started the trend.  Some folks
  are welcome to enlighten us on the status of the Super 2.  My main
  concern with the whole project was that plans were begun (and still not
  finished), and folks were building along with the originator, but
  something happened to him that apparently stopped him in his tracked,
  and the status of those unfinished planes is unknown.  My humble opinion
  was, and still is, you don't publish plans for an airplane which has
  never been test flown, for this very reason, or worse.....

  Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
  ML "at"


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