Well, I am making progress with getting Pete's KR ready for flight.

After redoing the entire fuel system I am now getting enough flow to
the Aerocarb. After fixing numerous intake leaks the carb was not
longer tuned properly. It was super rich at idle and very lean at WOT.
I destroyed three #3 needles trying to get the mixture right before
changing how I was removing material from the needles. I have it
running great at everything but the last bit of throttle. Just need
some decent weather to finish up the needle. FWIW, I have removed
quite a bit of material from the needle at this point. If anyone is
interested I will make a spreadsheet of needle thickness vs. distance.

I also found that the carb would not open fully, leaving about 5/16"
of the slide to go before WOT. I readjusted it so that it now will
fully open. Since I have been working the needle, the fuel flow during
a static run-up has gone from 6.4gph to 7.3gph.

Using BSFC as a guideline, 6.4gph represents about 76.8hp. 7.3gph is
about 87.6hp. The later seems more in line with the displacement of
the engine and is also in line with the dyno sheet Mark Langford

Hoping to be back in the air soon!

Jeff Lange

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