Phil Hill wrote:

>>Just a question about how effective the exhaust heat exchanger is on the
kr?  For those who fly in the cold, how effective are those heat
exchangers? Do you find them effective or do they need help?  How about

See the heat muff at the bottom of . 
What's detailed is for carb heat, but I put another one on the other side of 
the engine and piped it back to a cable controlled butterfly valve on the 
firewall that enters the cabin right between my feet.  I love it.  It's 
quick and simple, and will fry you if you open it all the way and the 
temperature is warmer than about 20F.  I have gobs of flow, and it's 
probably due to me leaving the area around the elevators open so there's 
always a suction on the cabin.  This makes the NACA ducts work great in the 
summer and the heater an awesome performer in the winter...

Mark Langford
ML at
website at

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