----- Original Message ----- From: Miles Humphrey To: www...@n56ml.com Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 11:15 PM Subject: what will float forever in 100LL
Mark Haven't seen you for a very long time, just thought I would tell about an experience I've had. Bought a 5 place Brantly Helicopter and gave rides to people from sometimes dusty locations in about 1964, so got the bright idea to put a cork in the end of the fuel nozzle to keep the dust out. As you can guess, it was forgotten and was popped into the fuel tank. I had no idea whether it would float or not so shut down immediately and did not fly it again until the cork was removed from the tank. Then I filled a small mason jar half full with 100LL, sealed the cork in it and put it in a dresser drawer. Now, 48 years later, that cork still floats in the gas as well as ever and seems to not have absorbed even a molecule. So I think you could use a small piece of cork in the fuel guage (I assume that's what you are referring to ) and not have any worries about it ever sinking!! I have been lurking on the KR net for years and even at nearly 88 I still enjoy reading about the member's posts. Have sold my farm now so do not have my half mile airstrip or my Cherokee Six, or my Roterway Exec 145 helicopter anymore....the itch to fly is awesome!!! Miles Humphrey, ex Naval Aviator, 50 months active duty flying fighters for the Marines, 2 wars.