Your trip diagram on the map looks like a redbirds head looking to the left, 
Curious about the Lowrance 2000C GPS  you have. I remember when those came out. 
I thought they were the best handheld available at the time for the money. Do 
you think you might be able to update the charts software in it through another 
software developer like Seattle Avionics, Jeppeson or whomever since Lowrance 
may not or does not have update software available? I know several people who 
still use their Lowrance 2000 gps whether black & white or color.
I purchased a BendixKing AV80R Ace at Oshkosh this year. It started out as a 
$2,000.00 unit then dropped to around $1,200.00 then at Oshkosh, King decided 
to drop the price to around $300.00. This unit has a split screen capablity, 
Traffic, weather capability, XM or ADSB plug or WiFi. An amazing unit 
considering the price. There may still be some available I have no idea. The 
yearly cost to update the software is $47.00 dollars I think and I believe it 
is certified to carry all needed charts, VFR and IFR. When I am on my computer 
I get notifications from the software on my computer that updates are available 
that it downloads for me automatically. I insert the SD card out of the AV80R 
ACE into my laptop and it downloads the updates while I do other things. Very 
convenient, plus it tells me when to update. They may all be like this now for 
all I know.
The bottom line is Bendix King had orginally had an agreement with Jeppeson to 
load all the charts on the AV80R ACEs and Jeppeson is what was on my GPS when I 
bought it this summer but then BendixKing changed over to Seattle Avionics as 
their charts supplier for the unit. This is why I ask if someone else maybe has 
the ability to update the Lowrance series. Just a thought Jeff, thanks for the 
trip report.
One more question, with your Continental 0200 engine, what is your maximum 
altitude capability or do you know? and what is your typical cruise speed and 
fuel burn?
Larry H.

 From: Jeff Scott <>

I posted this previously, but it apparently failed to go through...

I would recommend <>.  Here's a link that shows my flight 
path for the last week or so.

-Jeff Scott

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