At 04:24 PM 8/2/2012, you wrote:
>Thanks Larry. Just picked up my O200 yesterday and measured depth 
>from engine mount to back of starter and found it to be 12". The 
>mount on my KR from mount to firewall is only 10.5" Are there 
>firewall extenders available and how long can they be? Thanks again.
>Charles babb

Facing a steady rain and a need to get out of the house this morning, 
I went to the airport to clean bugs off the KR.  While there I made 
some measurements on my engine mount.

I have what I believe to be a HAPI VW mount for my 0-200.  The 
measurements are as follows:

- my mount appears to be approx 9 inches long
- you will gain 1 inch with the mount rubber bushing, etc. on the engine.
- I added 1 inch spacers on the firewall.  I used round aluminum 
stock the same diameter as the mount pads.  Add a washer or two to 
gain another 1/8 inch or so.  I used 3 inch square, 1/8 inch thick 
steel crush pads on the firewall with something similar on the back 
side of the firewall.
- the spacing on my setup is 11 inches from engine mount to firewall.
- my starter (the old pull type) extends 7 inches toward the firewall 
from the accessory case mount pad.
- I measured the spacing between my starter body and firewall but 
failed to write it down.  I recall it to be approx 1 inch.  I am able 
to remove / replace my starter without  any problems.
- my engine mount does not allow me to use the stock 0-200 
alternator.  I'm using a 10 amp B&C alternator.

Your options are:
- craft a new motor mount
- use spacers on the firewall to give the clearance needed.
- use the shorter key starter (which I think is less reliable)
- use an even shorter and lighter high torque starter.  That option 
will lighten your wallet also and give you a better useful load. :-)

All of these options may effect your CG to some extent.  Plan 

Larry Flesner

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