Hi Phil,
I built my wing walks with multiple ribs made from left over 3/32 plywood.  The 
ribs are spaced 5/8" apart with foam between them.  The ribs were about 1 inch 
tall from what I remember.   Where the ribs meet the spars, I glued 5/8 x 5/8 
spruce blocks positioned vertically and sandwiched between the ribs.  I used 
enough ribs to make about an 10 inch wide wing walk. 
I quit building over 10 years ago, but I've been climbing into the cockpit for 
15 year using the wing walk to make occaisional airplane noises and it is solid 
as a rock.  Don't tell anyone, but I weigh 240 lbs.   I believe this method is 
very good especially due to it's light weight.
Not to say this is the best method, but I am confident that it works well and 
is reasonably light.  Just to give you another option to consider!
Best Regards,
KerwynMattoon, IL

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