> "But you're right, that wouldn't cause a fluctuation on the mode C unless you fiddled around with them constantly, and even then it would be minor, at least on my plane."
Mine too I guess. My occasional jumpy readings are due to a dirty transponder antenna just as I thought. It's right in the line of exhaust and picks up a film of grease over a period of hours - just like the bottom of my fuselage under the wing. I usually make a point of keeping the antenna clean but sometimes I forget. Your idea of putting it inside the fuselage is a good one. I should have done that. I'll put it on my TO DO list. Mike KSEE ____________________________________________________________ 53 Year Old Mom Looks 33 The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL3141/4ffa8b97312d5b964b7bst53vuc