The EFS2 is probably one of the best options ou there for a vw.... It's
also out of production.

The aeroinjector by aerovee is not an Ellison product.

A company called rotec makes Ellison clones.
On Jul 2, 2012 7:50 AM, "Eduardo Barros" <> wrote:

> People
> I will like install a carb with control mixture in my engine, what is your
> opinion of  the  ELLISON and AEROIJECTOR?
> Saludos
> Eduardo Barros
> San Pedro, Bs. As., Argentina
> Mail:
> Visite el proyecto de construcción del avión experimental "Kr2 EGB":
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Mark Langford
>   To: KRnet
>   Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2012 12:53 AM
>   Subject: Re: KR> Structural Analysis
>   Larry Flesner wrote:
>   >>Using the performance numbers directly from the Rand sales literature
>   >>indicates to me that very little research was done to verify actual
>   >>performance of the KR before they were used to make his assumptions or
>   >>calculations. That's were I lost total faith in his conclusions.  I'm
> even
>   >>wondering about the qualifications of the three professors signing the
>   >>cover page.  But hey, that's just me.  Your conclusions may vary. :-)
>  <<
>   Regarding the paper at
>,  I agree with
>   everything Larry says.  But I managed to read the whole thing (except for
>   the half of the paper that was standard derivations), and I also found a
> lot
>   of it very "interesting".  One thing that really sticks in my mind is
> the 35
>   pounds of stick force is required during takeoff, according to the
> control
>   analysis.  I'll bet just about all KRs would perform an instant
> half-loop to
>   stall and crash if you really did that.  When Troy Petteway was coaching
> me
>   to fly my plane for the first time, he said "set the trim to neutral and
>   when it's ready to fly it'll take off all by itself".  My plane is that
> way
>   as well.  35 pounds of stick force isn't anywhere near reality, and could
>   get somebody killed in a hurry.
>   And I found the following piece of advice to be truly amazing...the only
>   advice given regarding CG of the aircraft:  "The recommended CG range for
>   the original KR2 is 15 to 35% of MAC.  Acknowledging the pitch
> sensitivity
>   issue of this airplane, the CG position needs to be chosen very
> carefully.
>   Therefore the most forward CG position should be avoided."  No mention of
>   aft CG at all.  This is completely backwards from reality as
> well...forward
>   CG is very stable, aft CG is UNstable, and not just for the KR!
>   Regarding airfoil selection, selecting a "cruise speed" of 180 mph at
>   15,000' while powered by an 85 hp engine for comparison purposes is
> wishful
>   thinking.   I suspect (at least hope) this guy knows something about
>   aerodynamics, but his choice of beginning with "published numbers" for KR
>   performance was just his first mistake.  I sincerely doubt that he knows
>   more about airfoil design  than Dr. Ashok Gopolaranthnam , who
> specializes
>   in airfoil design and designed the AS504x series specifically for the
> KR2S,
>   and is now an aerodynamics professor ( see
> at
> NCU.
>   Do a Google search for  Ashok Gopalarathnam and you'll get 4200
>   aerodynamically leaning hits.  With a name like that, they're probably
> all
>   his.  Do a Google search for Boris Bravo and you'll get ONE hit that is
>   probably  be him.   My money's on Ashok when it comes to airfoil design
> and
>   comparison.
>   I notice one of the references listed is "Verification of Airworthiness
> of a
>   Modified KR-2 Aircraft" by his "project partner".  It's at
> , along with the current
>   subject report.  These two reports are very similar and contain some of
> the
>   same mistakes and factual errors.  If I were Nordin, I'd feel violated!
>   I
>   have to wonder why the Bravo analysis is "secure" and can't be printed,
>   unlike the other reports listed on that page.  The document security is
> also
>   set to make it "invisible" to search engines, and therefore less likely
> to
>   be found by those interested in such things.   I wonder why.  And given
>   Larry's comment about not doing much research was done to verify actual
> KR
>   performance, he's had five years to do a little research on that, and has
>   obviously been to both and but didn't learn
> much
>   .
>   I could go on, but why bother?  This "analysis" is a complete "red
> herring"
>   from the KR pilot's and builder's standpoint.  I should have been doing
>   something constructive tonight rather than wasting my time on this...
>   Mark Langford
>   ML at
>   website at
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