The original 36 hp KR1 manual gave an empty weight at 310 lbs, Gross at 600 
lbs, Fuel at 7.5Ga (at 500 lbs gross weight) Top speed 140mph, Cruse speed at 
130 mph, and a stall speed of 42mph. these were PUBLISHED on the front of the 
original KR1 Manual. So if built according to  the manual, there are published 
numbers by Ken Rand himself  to show that the KR1 CAN meet LSA limits as it 
originally was designed (though you register it as an E-AB). You might want to 
go on a diet though, as Ken weighed 145 lbs. 
If your looking for what MIGHT have been the next design of the KR series 
(KR-4?) I read in an article that Ken was looking to next build an all 
composite aircraft before he perished. To that end, Scott Watts is busy with 
the KR2 Super 2. Google it on the web, and the planes are right on his site. As 
for me: I'm going RETRO KR, as much as I can. I'm taken by Kens original 
vision. (and I have lost almost 20 lbs  to that end!!)


Glenn Martin
KR Builder/Dreamer/Airplane noise maker
Biloxi, MS


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