Made another engine run today.  The plan was to verify proper carb 
operation, check for fuel leaks at the gascolator after changing the fuel 
filter and check for oil leaks after changing the oil.  Then do taxi tests 
on the runway.  Never left the ramp in front of my T hangar.  Oil droplets 
on the canopy signaled yet another oil leak.  This time at the remote oil 
cooler.  It probably was there from day one, but was masked by bigger oil 
I worked all day today on the oil leak at a fitting on the remote oil 
cooler.  The village idiot (that would be me) built the firewall with the 
oil cooler to close to the engine mount such that the one -6 elbow fitting 
could not be tightened.  So, had to remove the starter, heat control box and 
associated ducting in order to remove the oil cooler to rework the -6 pipe 
fitting.  Now I get to put it all back together again.  And hope I did not 
create another oil leak.

Sid Wood
Tri-gear KR-2 N6242
Mechanicsville, MD, USA

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