Well Guys.
I have been chasing an oil leak in the front of my engine for a
few weeks that seemed to be getting worse. I even dyed the oil and kept
cleaning and running the engine to locate it. This morning I took the top
cover off again thinking that the leak was in a scratch or something like
that in the top cover area.
What I found has me a little more than upset. There is a crack in
the block as viewed from the pilots position in the front right inside
corner. It is about 2" long at this time running vertical near the center
line of the case. then another smaller one in the top 1/3 of the case and
jumps back about an inch. They are not near the #5 cylinder sleeve but
more favoring the actual front corner of the block.
I did not look at it any further at the moment, I just know it
ain't good and walked away.
Joe Horton, Coopersburg, Pa.