Phill, Take advantage of what the EAA has to offer. The local chapters vary significantly, as do the tech counselors. Some don't know how to talk anything but RVs, but that is the exception. Others offer help and experience with everything from ultralights to warbirds.
You do not have to join the local chapter to use the tech counselor program. Not all tech counselors are necesarily associated with local chapters. However, depending on the chapter, there may be a lot of experience in the chapter with a lot of sage advice and a helpful hand when needed. I used to be a tech counselor and Flight Advisor and am currently a chapter president. I can tell you that every meeting of our local chapter has something to offer for the pilot/builder. The National EAA dues are $40. Local chapters vary anywhere from $10 up. Our local chapter costs $20 a year for membership, but gives access to a well equipped tool crib and a tremendous amount of expertise no matter what kind of plane you are building. It also offers a lot of comraderie, friendship, rides to fly ins, breakfast get togethers, etc. You are not required to use the EAA, the local chapters, or the Tech Counselor program while building your plane. But they are services that are there to help you build a safer and better quality aircraft. The only hook for the EAA is that most insurance companies will require you to have participated in the Tech Counselor and Flight Advisor programs if you wish to have hull coverage on your first flight. The insurance companies and FAA both recognize the value of those programs. You might want to consider the value they offer as well. -Jeff Scott Los Alamos, NM ----- Original Message ----- Phill, I don't know about the EAA counseling program, but I do know that you do not have to belong to a local chapter. You can be a member at large. but I would check them out and see what they're building. It's a great organization. Chuck Wyatt -----Original Message----- Hi guys, I have a question about the EAA technical counseling program. Is that open to all builders or just EAA members? It sounds to me like the FAA "highly suggests" the use of the EAA technical counselor. Do I read that right? Another question about the EAA...when you join the EAA, do you have to join your local chapter or is that optional? Can you be an EAA member and not a member of a local chapter? Phill Hill Collinsville, IL