Here's a pretty good explanation of the GPS vs altimeter phenomenon, at .

I'm having to learn how the Garmin in the Swift works, which is an uphill 
climb, but I'm OK with that.  It sure beats walking!  I think there's just 
enough room on the panel for an iPad though.

There's a new sunset picture from last night at .  I got some more time in today, but will 
endeavor to do more Swift flying and learning tomorrow.  Eventually I'll do 
a webpage on the differences between the KR and the Swift.  In a nutshell, 
the Swift burns twice the fuel, cruises 20 mph slower, lands completely 
differently, but has a little more room inside.  Bottom line is that I'm 
still in a big hurry to build another experimental.  There's nothing like a 
KR, and I really miss it...

Mark Langford
ML at
website at

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