Mike wrote:

>>Remember to keep the antenna clean.  It's usually right in the exhaust 
>>slipstream and if you don't keep it clean ATC will start complaining that 
>>the altitude readout is jumping around.  When people think they have an 
>>encoder or transponder problem often it's nothing more than a dirty 
>>antenna.  <<

And in our planes, there's no reason not to put the transponder antenna (and 
all others) inside the plane.  It took me a long time to figure that out, 
but eventually I moved it inside (mounted to a small piece of plywood stick 
to one of the cross braces on top of the fuselage "box"), and it's been 
clean ever since.

The weather finally eased up enough to get some Swift flying in yesterday. 
Got some pretty decent sunset pictures out of the deal.

Mark Langford
ML at N56ML.com
website at http://www.N56ML.com

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