----- Original Message ----- From: "Mark Jones" <flyk...@charter.net> To: "Dan Heath" <da...@windstream.net> Cc: "Corvair Net" <corvaircr...@mylist.net> Sent: Monday, January 02, 2012 9:46 AM Subject: Re: KR> Wheels And Brakes
> > ----- Original Message ----- >>From: "Dan Heath" <da...@windstream.net> > > >See you at the Gathering, unless you are planning to go to Roy's >>Corvair College, assuming he is having it again this year. Did the ML >>post >>bum you out any? Unfortunately, it looks like I will not be at the Gathering as I have a huge money making event scheduled for that weekend. If Roy has another Corvair College this year and I am not working, I will be there. Mark L's unfortunate engine out does put the edge of caution back in me but since I have had five engine outs myself (broken coil wire, two cam gear failures, broken crank, dropped valve seat), I figure I still have four lives left. I just hope my luck holds up. There is a saying that the DNR uses here in Wisconsin when teaching Hunter Safety and That is "Anything Mechanical CAN and WILL Fail". Of course they are referring to the safety on a gun but that also applies to an aircraft engine whether it is certified or experimental. My confidence after two years of no engine problems had me doing a lot of low level flying this past summer. I think I will go back to the altitude is my friend rule. Mark Jones (N886MJ) Stevens Point, WI E-mail: flyk...@charter.net Web: www.flykr2s.com