Hell again everyone!  I know you're all busy with the annual get 
together, but I'm STILL needing information and suggestions!

I reverted to a pure gravity feed and did tests today.  The max. RPM I 
could achieve (static) was 2550, and usually 2500.  At full throttle, 
the manifold pressure is on the peg.  If I pull towards lean at all, I 
lose RPM.

I tried turning the mixture screw slightly richer and that didn't seem 
to make a difference.

Never having dealt with the Revmaster and Revflow carb. before, all of 
this is VERY new territory for me, so any help would be sincerely 

With the Warp Drive 3-blade prop., which I thought was set to 14 
degrees, I was anticipating 3000RPM static.  However, looking at their 
charts, if the prop. is set to 17 degrees, then 2500 looks about right.

So I'm in a fog at the moment, trying to figure out what to check/try next.



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