Please help. To get an authority to fly I need to apply for a mod approval on this engine. It will help if I can make reference to one that is already flying somewhere in the world. I need to proof this to our CAA in South Africa. Regards Willie
- KR> Fw: patrusso
- KR> Re: Robert L. Stone
- KR> Fw: Patrick and Robin Russo
- KR> Fw: Patrick and Robin Russo
- KR> 3300 Jabiru engine in KR2 Willie van der Walt
- KR> 3300 Jabiru engine in KR2 James Zuehls
- KR> 3300 Jabiru engine in KR2 Paulo De Tarso Montanaro
- KR> 3300 Jabiru engine i... James Zuehls
- KR> Fw: Dan Heath
- KR> Re: tail wheel and engine Patrick and Robin Russo
- KR> Fw:
- KR> Fw: Brad Ankerstar