----- Original Message -----
From: Ed
Sent: 07/07/11 01:50 PM
To: kr...@mylist.net
Subject: KR> NVaero prefab parts

 anybody know where I can actually see what their KR2S canopy,turtledeck and 
O-200 cowl look like, I have read that they are having a lot of problems and 
hope that they can make it.  I have what should be the same canopy frame and 
turtle deck on mine (although it came from Jeannette Rand many years ago). I 
think Steve is still using the same molds. My canopy is a cut down dragonfly in 
the -2S canopy frame Jeannette used to sell. 

 I don't know what Steve's O-200 cowl looks like. If it's Dan Deihl's cowl mold 
(I think it is), mine started out from that, but has been substantially 
modified. (Lengthened to fit my engine mount and larger intake added to 
accomodate a generic airbox.) A better look at the cowl could be found by 
looking at the older KR Gathering photos for Marty Roberts KR. Unless Steve has 
a different mold now, the original mold was pulled from Marty Roberts plane.


 Jeff Scott

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