It should work OK as a VFR reference, but there is a definite difference between a stock instrument and an 8 degree instrument. In an 8 degree instrument, the gyro is mounted 8 degrees off the horizon and the horizon is centered in the instrument at an 8 degree tilt to compensate for the tilt of the panel. To mount it properly in a vertical panel, you might want to put an 8 degree tilt to the gyro's mount. That's pretty simple to do and would actually tilt the face of the instrument up towards the pilot somewhat. If you do a search for "electric gyro" on the Aircraft Spruce web site, you'll note under the RC Allen electric gyro that they ask you to specify the tilt of the panel when you order the gyro.
Hey, if the price is right and it's what you want, then it's a good buy. Jeff Scott Los Alamos, NM ----- Original Message ----- I haven't spent any money yet. The seller said to install it and see if it works. I don't think their RV had an 8 degree panel. Could that cause it to not work properly? I'm sure it sees more than 8 degrees pitch change in use. If it works I'm sure I'll get a deal. The seller is my part time boss. :-) Larry Flesner