Ya'll really need to understand that these few completely irratic spam messages that we've received on the list lately were likely either spoofed as coming from the sender, were sent by a spam bot operating from the guy's PC, or some other situation that he probably doesn't even know about. Apparently if spoofed, it's good enough to get by the mylist.net/mailmain security system, and there's not a lot I can do about it.
While on this subject, I've gotten several complaints lately about people not getting list emails, even ones that they had sent to the list themselves. It's happened to me as well. My requests for help from the folks at mylist.net have been ignored, so I'm looking for another place to host our Mailman list. If anybody knows of a reasonably priced yet decent quality Mailman list provider (one that actually responds to customer needs), or another email list system with similar features for a reasonable price, please contact me directly about it. Thanks, Mark Langford ML at N56ML.com website at http://www.N56ML.com --------------------------------------------------------