Hey Neters, I received my wood in good condition from wicks last week. Since then, I have been preparing to build the fuselage sides. This morning I started laying out my jig board for the sides. After placing the top 5/8X5/8" longeron on the table, I immediately noticed that it was too short. All of the long 5/8x5/8" spruce longerons that I received are a hair over 12' long and I need about 13' for the build. So at this point I am left only with scarfing on a longer piece of spruce to extend my longerons.
I am looking for some advice on where to put the scarf joints. I need to lengthen the top and the bottom longerons. I figure that somewhere close to the tail is a good place for the bottom longeron scarf, as there is minimal contour that far back. Maybe I can do the same for top longeron to conserve my long pieces of wood. Would there be any strength issues putting the top and bottom scarf joints in the same bay? I'm considering the bay between Fuse Stations L and M. Thanks for help. Sean