Craig wrote:

No doubt about it I am going to be right near 1300# full fuel and the wife
with 30# baggage if I can get the empty weight at 764# like Marks plane.  


I would shoot for a plane that weighs in around 700 even.  Mark's plane is a
very heavy aircraft.  I think when he originally weighed it there was a 2nd
battery in it and a number of other things that made it heavier than the

That is not saying his aircraft was poorly made, but as builders we make
choices that effect weight.  Obviously, Mark's plane flies very well and is
very, very, fast.  Everything you add is going to cost something (dollars
and weight).

My own plane weighed 698 pounds when it was first weighed, and it has 15+
pounds of nosegear.  So, in my rendition of the KR-2S I made choices that
made my plane 66 pounds lighter than Mark's.  If it were a tail dragger, and
had less items in the instrument panel it might well have weighed in the 680
range, with a Corvair motor.  That is an 84 pound difference in the weight
of the airframe and gear for two planes made from the same plans.

Think light, build light.


Dave "Zipper" Goodman
Vertical Avionics, Inc.

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