> The biggest problem is I don't know if I have a problem. (Plans related > that is.) > > My question to the group is, do I have what I need to build the aircraft?
As I'm building a KR-1 (kinda) I may be able to help out here. I don't have the whole inventory listing of what you have, but I can tell you what came with mine... Builders "Manual" (roughly 70 pages or so... don't quote me on the number). Supplement pack of drawings (some of which are indeed labeled with KR-2, because they are common) Misc package with W&B info, kit pricing, etc... I didn't get mine from Steve (bought in 2003), but I'm assuming they are probably still the same. No, they aren't the most detailed and informative plans there, but after you read through them a couple times, you get the idea. There is enough information to build the plane, even if you have to deduce some of the figures for yourself. If you have any specific questions, feel free to shoot me an email. Matt