Men of KR Flight: I just received my KR-1 plans and am not overly pleased.
1) Shipping and Handling cost $25.00 for a package the USPS shipped for $6.00 2) No packing list. 3) Several prints labeled KR-2... 4) 6 pages missing from the instruction manual. At this point I don't know if I have everything I need to build the aircraft or not. I have a sinking feeling I wasted $139.00. I thought my Corby plans left something to be desired. After paging through the KR-1 plans I will never say a bad word about the Corby prints again! I ran across a post in the archive that advised purchasing the KR-2 plans to supplement the KR-1 plans. It sure seems a shame to have to spend an additional $204.95 plus $25.00 for shipping to get what you need to build the craft... Is any one else having this issue? Respectfully, HillBilly John Fenwick, West Virginia J.E. Caudle Fenwick, WV 363TB (On the Bench)