Thomas Rinaldi

> I recently purchased plans for a KR2S but I originally was going to build
> a 601xl. I have been converting a Corvair engine and have purchased a
> front starter kit some time ago, I'd like to know if it is absolutely
> necessary to use a rear starter in the KR2 or will the front starter work?

Sure, a front starter will work fine.  William Wynne has perfected the 
details, and it can't get much easier than "bolt it on and fly".  A front 
starter allows either the engine to move a tad aft or leaves more room on 
the firewall for other stuff.  The CG shift is fairly minimal, and is 
certainly nothing that can't be easily "tuned out".

Right now my KR2S CG has moved aft to the point of wishing I had a little 
more weight out front with a passenger, full fuel, camping gear, and max 
gross weight.  I'll just move some aft stuff forward to fix it.

Mark Langford

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