With regard to the wish for a light sport compliant KR2 or S, has anyone tested VGs on the wings? Seems to me with a slightly extended wingtip and vortex generators, it could meet the light sport stall speed.
Also, there is no maximum speed for light sport, unless you count the standard speed limit below 10,000'. Light Sport aircraft must have a maximum calibrated airspeed at sea level under standard conditions and maximum continuous rated horsepower of not more than 120kts. This is why a turbo-normalized engine would allow a light sport aircraft to fly MUCH faster at altitude than one would think is allowed. If you choose to run your engine at a higher than "continuously rated" horsepower (as defined by you, the manufacturer of said engine), you can legally go faster than 120kts CAS at sea level. Of course, the TAS will increase as your altitude increases. I understand this defies the spirit of the light sport rules, but not the letter. Just sayin'. Douglas Cooke