James Freeman wrote:

>    I have been wanting to see Your airplane for a long time and talk to 
> You
> about the Corvair Engine and several other topics. If You are alone,can I
> get a ride to Richmond, KY and then to Berea,KY?I am a ex-military
> Aviator(2086 Hrs.). MY weight on my scales 118 Lbs. dressed. My local
> airport K181 Pine Knot,KY. I will pay my share to top Your tanks or bring
> road gas, We still have a few stations that sell the good gas in the area.

Given that I now fly a time machine, I can handle the 52 nm trip from 18I 
(Pine Knot) to I39 (Richmond) with no problem (a 22 minute flight), but 05KY 
(Berea) is a total non-starter with that 1270' runway and 50' trees 100' 
from the end of the runway.  I'd never even touch the ground before I hit 
something solid at that place!  You'd have to find another way to make that 
6.7 nautical mile trip...I'd suggest getting a ride from the guy on the 
other end.  But if it's anything like the terrain at Fontana Dam, it might 
be a 50 mile drive!

At 138 pounds, I thought I was the lightest KR pilot these days, but you'd 
take the cake on that one.  Just make sure you're not taller than 5'-10" or 
so and you're good for a ride at the Gathering.  Given the number of 
military hours of flying you have, I won't worry about an airsick bag. 
You'll have to hold my drink on takeoffs and landings though...

Mark Langford
N56ML "at" hiwaay.net
website at http://www.N56ML.com

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