Myron (Dan) Freeman wrote:

> It would appear that the KR list Moderator has cleaned out any and all
> references to me and thrown me in the trash so to speak. Has this happened
> to anyone else?
> I would agree that the KR list Moderator is a very skilled and talented
> person but ........Well, it is his ball and bat.
> There have been at least a couple of people on the KRnet that have shown a
> great deal of animosity toward me over the years I've been on the KRnet 
> but
> they have never confided in me exactly why.....
> ....It would not surprise me at all if I were to be banned from the KRnet
> altogether now, so just in case, I'll just say goodbye now and thank all 
> of
> you for all of the good times, and the bad.

I don't know why it is that people immediately assume that I've unsubscribed 
them unjustly (usually because their spam filter is deleting their KRnet 
email) or that I'm otherwise behind some diabolical plot to prevent their 
existence on KRnet.  When I go to the KRnet search engine at and type in "myron" as a keyword, 
several thousand hits appear less than a second later. Put in your email 
address in the "from" field, and several thousand of the same appear.  I'm 
not sure what archive he's using, but it's not the one that's listed at the 
bottom of every email ever posted to the list, and one in the first 
paragraph or two of!   And no, I didn't put them back a minute 
ago.  And whatever archive he's using, my guess is that he's not doing it 
right or there's some other error, but I assure you it has nothing to do 
with anything I've ever done regarding your email.

What did I ever do to deserve this other than correct you when you were 
spreading disinformation about something you apparently knew nothing about? 
And if I have a problem with you personally, it's mainly due to exactly 
that.  I really do have better things to do than be petty about stuff like 
sanitizing somebody's existence.  I get a lot of compliments about how 
patient I am with people on this list, but I must admit you've really made 
my day!

Nice model, by the way...

Mark Langford

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