At 05:41 PM 4/10/2010, you wrote:
>      When I had 2 KR's here for rebuild I a new prop from 
> Sensenich. After talking to Marty he said he had a 72 pitch on his 
> and wished he had a little more. This is a "new in the box" 
> Sensenich 60-74. Would also be ideal for a Cassutt, Midget Mustang etc


I don't know how Sensenich numbers compare to Ed Sterba's props but 
if they're close it's going to take a hopped up 0-200 to turn that 
much prop.  An Ed Sterba 60X64 is all my tired 0-200 can handle.  I'm 
GUESSING you'll need 110 to 120 hp to turn a 60X74.

Larry Flesner

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