At 07:33 AM 3/30/2010, you wrote:
>What effect if any does the engine have on flying a KR-2 with 2 people?  You
>would think that a larger engine like an 0-200 would bring the CG forward more
>as opposed to an Volkswagon 1853.
>How does the wing design effect the flying characteristics with 2 people?  The
>stock KR-2 wing vs. Diehl wing vs. AS504x wing.
>Can you just move the wing back a little to give a more forward CG?
>Kris Leirfallom

Adding a passenger will move the C.G. aft and in some KR's to a 
critical location that will make the airplane very unstable and 
difficult to fly.  The heavier engines move the empty C.G. forward so 
adding a passenger is not as critical.  C.G. too far aft can make the 
airplane a killer.

I don't know what the C.G. range of the new wing is but I suspect it 
is similar to the RAF48 (original wing) so there is probably not a 
great deal of difference between the two wings when it comes to 
W&B.  Whichever wing is used, the loaded C.G. must fall within the 
design range.

Moving the engine forward to address a C.G. problem would be much 
easier than re-designing the fuselage to move the wing.

On the subject of wheel landings or 3 point with conventional 
gear,  my KR lands best using a tail low wheel landing with a bit of 
forward stick on touchdown to stick in on.  If I watch my approach 
speed, I can land and turn around in 1500 feet on a hard surface 
runway.  Tail wheel or nose wheel is strictly a matter of 
preference.  My conventional gear handles so well that I forget I'm 
flying a tail dragger.

Larry Flesner

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