I talked with a CFI who has a bit of inside knowledge about how some FSDOs work regarding certifying a plane that you did not build.
Here's what he wrote to me: "It may be a little white lie by the regulations, but it goes on all the time. Of all the kits that have been sold, I recall that there is approximately 75% that are never completed by the original purchaser, and resold to another builder. I know of one kit that has been completed to approximately 90% and has been resold 5 times. Those aircraft will probably be completed some day and will be certified to the last buyer. When (name withheld) was here at this FISDO (sic) he told me to de-certify my plane which is certified for a gross weight of 1250 lbs. and rename it, re-serial number it, find the right DAR and then have it re-certified at 1320 lbs. As long as you have the original Bill of Sale of the kit, or a Bill of Sale from a former owner that shows selling you parts and not a complete airplane, along with pictures and a builders log, then normally there should be no problem getting it certified with an airworthiness certificate." The key, it appears, is to find an FAA rep. (DAR, etc.) willing to go through the procedure. Ed J.