I stopped by the airport today and got a photo of my aileron bellcrank.
In order to get the correct aileron travel, it appears that I moved the
attach point for the cable coming from the stick in toward the bellcrank
pivot point about 1/2 inch. That's a guess as I didn't measure it. I did
get a photo that I could e-mail to anyone interested or if someone
would like to post it that's o.k. too. I actually drilled two extra holes
while I had the bellcrank out so I could select a hole that worked
without pulling the assembly in and out several times. The photo
show the extra unused hole near the edge of the washer of the
hole that I used. The photo will make that perfectly clear. If you
modify your bellcranks, make sure to do both sides the same to
keep you closed loop geometry correct.
Be advised, that will make your
ailerons a bit quicker acting, i.e., less stick travel, but mine seem
to be well balanced with the pitch movement. I've heard that most
KR's are more sensitive in pitch than roll so that may actually balance
it out a bit. My (dual) stick setup is a bit longer than a single center
stick and I rest my arm on my leg for stability so I think it flies great.
As always, your results may vary...................
While there I chased the birds that have been crapping on the KR out
into the pouring rain. A little payback. :-)
Larry Flesner