Dave and everyone else; This is like maintaining the plane... most of us have PC's with "windoze"; all standard 'IBM' compatible systems will run Linux and other flavors of Operating Systems; but, we all need a little vigilance here. There is free anti-virus and anti-spyware software available - try AVG from Grisoft.com for antivirus... yes it takes me four hours to do my weekly full system virus scan (I have nearly ¾ TB of stuff on my system), but I do this by starting it before I go to bed on Friday (I don't let any program run automatically), Spybot Search and Destroy (www.safer-networking.org/) is the free version and works really well, takes about 20 minutes to run; and finally for about $20 I use Rose City Softwares Registry First Aid to keep my registry clean (I dont/wont make money on this). So far my old Athlon 64 4200+ system with 2GB of memory and some other stuff is just as fast as when I built it 2 years ago. I am running Windows XP Pro on my system and my daughters system on my home network is Windows XP Home.
Hope this helps Mark W N952MW -----Original Message----- From: krnet-boun...@mylist.net [mailto:krnet-boun...@mylist.net] On Behalf Of Dave Arbogast, CISSP Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 9:13 PM To: KRnet Subject: Re: KR> WARNING---Virus Alert Tony is right.... although this is entirely off topic, as an IT security expert, it is a good time to point out that those who thought they were saving money by buying a PC vs a Mac or the cheaper Linux, how much are you spending on anti-virus and the constant hassle of these events? :-) My house does not worry about these because we pay only for Mac or Linux machines. One hidden cost nearly all WinDoze users don't realize - ever notice how your machine seems to get slower and slower month after month ? You know the CPU is going at the same speed as when you bought it, right? :-) And when you bought it only a few years ago, it was way faster 03/20/09 19:01:00