Glenn, I remember my very first lesson very well. the instructor scared the bajeezers out of me. we were on our way back to the airport and about 3000' too high with about a 15knot wind. As we got closer he kept telling me what to do but apparently I wasn't doing them correctly, and instead of showing me how to do it, he yanked the yoke from me and slammed us on the ground, all the while never uttering a word to me. needless to say, I never went back to him. four years in the US Air Force flying around in the back of C130's and HH3's and never once experienced a flight that SCARED me.
Fred Johnson Reno, NV BTW. I have finally started flight training. I had no idea how many mistakes I could make all in one sitting..until now! Did anybody else get that "Dear in the Headlights" feeling their first time up? Glenn Martin