Larry wrote: "As if adding a nose wheel will insure 100% perfect landings."
I wanted to know what it takes to get a tail dragger rating and it's not as
difficult as I expected. Section 61.31 part (i) of FAR states:

(i) Additional training required for operating tailwheel airplanes.
        (1)Except as provided in paragraph (i)(2) of this section, no person
may act as pilot in command of a tailwheel airplane unless that person  has
received and logged flight training from an authorized instructor       in a
tailwheel airplane and received and endorsement in the person's
logbook from an authorized instructor who found the person proficient   in
operation of a tailwheel airplane. The flight training must include     at
least the following maneuvers and procedures:
                (i)Normal and crosswind takeoffs and landings;
                (ii)Wheel landings (unless the manufacturer has recommended
against such landings); and
                (iii)Go-around procedures.
        (2)The training and endorsement required by paragraph (i)(1) of this
section is not required if the person logged pilot-in-command time in   a
tailwheel airplane before April 15, 1991.

I was dead set on tri-gear, but more and more I'm leaning towards a
taildragger. Just need to find one to do some training in...

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