
I've got the EAA sport Avaition on CD from 1953-2003.  I just searched the
title index for "under $10,000" and came up with no matches.  Then I asked
for a full text search for "under $10,000".  It found 14 matches that I have
copied below.  Do any of these articles jog your memory?


Bob Lee
N52BL  KR2
Suwanee, GA
91% done only 65% to go!

14 matches found
14 matches displayed

  Title Author Issue

  The Davis DA-1, A Research and Development Project   Leon Davis
December 1958
I started building airplane models when I was six years old. Not con-tent
with the kit types, I preferred to build airplanes of my own design. While
working on the family farm I always had visions of building and
manufacturing my own full-sized air-craft. Later, when I was in high school,
I took a correspondence course in drafting and engineering

  Question & Answer Department       September 1960
Q. I think it is a crime the way some EAA members approach airplanes and
airplane design. Too many of them do nothing but copy older designs. Too
many of them favor obsolete ships like the Baby Ace and a number of biplanes
instead of building really modern things with delta wings and retractable
landing gears. All this talk about

  An Aero Engine Fraud       December 1962
SEVERAL MONTHS ago some advertisements appeared in an aviation advertising
paper which offered two-cylinder, 30 hp aircraft engines at the fascinating
price of $89.00 each, brand new. SPORT AVIATION'S editors have been looking
into this remarkable bargain in such ways as have been open to them and can
now report that they are extremely glad the same advertising did not

  American Moth   Harvey Doyle    December 1986
This article represents my best recollections of the original design and
construction of the American Moth. I passed my pilot's examination in 1928
(License 8316), participated in fifty years of aircraft development
including work on a Mach three all-weather interceptor in 1959 and now
reside with my wife and family in Charlottesville, VA. For further
information, I can be contacted

  Hot Line From Headquarters       May 1987
BACK COVER PAINTING This month's back cover painting is entitled "Photo
Finish". It is the work of Michael J. Machat of 4426 Deseret Dr., Woodland
Hills, CA 91364 (phone 818/702-9433) and was judged Par Excellence in the
1986 EAA Art Competition. The painting is a dramatic overhead angle of P-51D
"Lil Margaret" sweeping over a Heinkel He 111 that has

  From the Archives   Dennis Parks    December 1988
That is the way an advertisement for a set of aviation books in 1941 began.
"Supreme and distinctive in the flying field - the only aviation books that
give all necessary and accurate technical information in an irresistible
human style. Every fact a pilot must know is made unforgettable by
personalized and often humorous touches in text and graphic drawings."

  Hot Line From Headquarters       August 1990
BACK COVER PAINTING This month's back cover painting was presented a Par
Excellence award in the 1989 EAA Aviation Art competition. Entitled "Early
Risers", it depicts the first DC-3 on an early morning flight. The artist is
John Paul Jones of 800 Cessna Drive, El Paso, TX 79925 (phone:
915/751-5021). The DC-3 came about as the result of an order

  Differential GPS   Budd Davisson    October 1993
It's getting a little mind boggling trying to keep up with all that's new in
aviation and Oshkosh is guaranteed to square the boggle-factor. We're hardly
inside the arches before the new stuff seems to steam roll over us like a
tidal wave, challenging us to assimilate it all. Clearly an impossible task.
An unfortunate part of this tidal wave

  $10,000 and A Whole Lot of Fun!   Mary Jones    January 1998
Imagine this! Your long, lost rich uncle that you barely knew has passed
away and left you $10,000...AND your darling spouse -- bless his/her soul--h
as said "Honey, spend this money on whatever you want for yourself. No
questions asked." Wow, what to buy? Well, if you're an aviation enthusiast,
one of the first things that'll probably come to mind

  The Skycycle   Fred Barker    July 1987
One of the all time fantasies of aviation buffs everywhere is this: Walk out
to your garage, back out a gleaming little Buck Rogers type aircraft and
zoom right out of your driveway, up over the clogged traffic for an
exhilarating and carefree trek to work (or wherever). The Skycycle was
developed out of that same fantasy. It all started

  Hot Line From Headquarters       January 1988
BACK COVER PAINTING This month's back cover painting was awarded Fourth
Place in the 1987 EAA Aviation Art Contest. Entitled "Almost Time To Go", it
is the work of artist John Paul Jones of 800 Cessna Drive, El Paso, TX 79925
(phone 915/751-5021). He describes the painting as follows: "Light fading, a
cold winter dusk descends on the airfield. The

  TEAM'S Airbike   Mary Jones    August 1995
Biking to Sun 'n Fun What's that? This is an aviation magazine and you're
not interested in the story of some guy who biked 870 miles to Sun 'n Fun
this past spring? Ahh, but this is an AIR bike that happens to be a pretty
affordable airplane built using tried and true construction techniques.
Perhaps you will want to

  Revolution II   Budd Davisson    December 1995
Rick Warner has always liked open cockpits. Not just any cock-pits, but
those belonging to the sexiest of the 1930's sport planes, the Ryan STA.
Even as a kid he liked the lines and Smilin' Jack ap-pearance of the
airplanes. He never got them out of his mind. A proverbial airport kid, Rick
got his first ride more or less

  Air-Bike Enduro   Dan Johnson    June 1997
TEAM'S Fun Fly-In Lightplane TEAM'S Air-Bike is the airplane you get on, not
in, a return to simple aircraft for a reasonable price. Famous for their
miniMAX design, TEAM started something brand new with Air-Bike. Air-Bike has
the familiar, strong, wood wings of the miniMAX but joins them to the tail
by a welded structure. The resulting open-cockpit design is

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