Bobby, The retractable gear has had a bad reputation in the KR over the years. The original design had problems folding up on landing. There have been better ones designed recently and if you really have your heart set on retractable you should research these. You will get alot of different opinions on this subject and they can get emotional. My take is this:
It is arguable whether you can really go faster with a retractable set up over a conventional tail dragger set up that has been well faired. In this category of airplane I do not think a retractable gear is the best choice because of its weight and complexity. The Tail dragger might be your best choice if you really want the fastest plane, lightest plane, but understand it is more about the pilot than the plane's configuration. You must be willing to learn to be a skilled conventional gear pilot. (You may already be) You have to fly the plane from hanger to hanger. Landing in unusual conditions--gusty/ cross winds are more challenging in a tail dragger. The tri-gear could be argued to be safer as they are a bit more forgiving. I know I will get argument on that statement, but it really takes talent, dedication and practice to consestently make 'good' landings on conventional gear. However, that wheel hanging out front is going to cost you some weight and some speed. I know this is one of the fundemental decisions about your building options. It is petty cool that you can build it anyway you want though, isn't it? bobby burington <> wrote: Hello, I see from the construction photos that it looks like most builders are using the fixed tri gear up front and not the retractable . Wouldn't the retractable gear increase the speed of the aircraft ?.