On Friday 23 March 2007, Benjamin Smith wrote:
> Is there any particular reason NOT to get a hand-held? (other than the 
> I bought one of the Sporty's with Com and Nav, frequency scanning, etc. for 
> $279. Although I don't fly sport yet, I won't fly without it, and have done 
> numerous tests in a rented Cessna with good results. It's nice having a VOR 
> just in case... 

On a side note, the radio failed in the rented Cessna 172 I was in while 
flying Sunday over ClearLake, CA. 

The handheld came in quite handy!


"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your 
eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long 
to return." 
-- Leonardo da Vinci

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