I am building a widened KR-2S with a planned Corvair 2700. As I pencil out my dimensions I have widened the firewall a tad as well, then thought I better check first to see if that is wise. I think I need to understand my engine cowl options before I commit to a firewall size and shape. I am hoping that I do not have to create my own cowl design, that I can buy a commercially available one or ride on somebodies coat tails.
What are my Corvair engine cowling options? Is there a mold available I could borrow? Is there one developed that would work for my applications that I could purchase? Are there drawings or diminsions available so I can insure my fuselage shape fairs smoothly into the cowl's line? Or should I purchase a nose bowl and plan on designing and fabricating a cowl myself. I can imagine this would be a pretty good project all by itself.