Netters I have tried to roll the flange for my spinner bulkhead on my lathe and it is not working. The first attempt was 2024T3 .050. I clamped it between 2 pieces of 3/4" particle board and bolted it on a face plate. Using a large ball bearing mounted on my toolpost I managed to roll it about 20 degrees. 2nd attempt was with 6061T6 .040. I managed to roll it farther, but then the edge tore apart and folded over each other. I realize I am trying to shorten the metal on the flange and make it thicker, and it won't work with tempered metal. Will it work with 0 temper and then have it heat treated after? What are some of you doing to roll that flange, and what thickness and metal are you using?
Ralph Snyder Burbank, CA